Meeting  Minutes

Meeting Minutes July 18, 2022 7:00PM

August 17, 2022

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key


Meeting called to order at 7:00

Others Present: None

No changes to agenda. No time requested.

Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Henry Holst. Unanimously approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT as of 6/30/2022

                                                                             PREVIOUS Ending $                  CURRENT Ending $

Wells Fargo Checking                                               $49,814.82                         $61,881.33

S.C. Local Government Investment Pool              $288,159.62                       $288,457.62

Clerk to follow up on large deposit from Municipal Trade Pay.

NOTE: A virtual $10,000 is held aside for disaster clean up



  1. Planning:  No one reporting.
  2. BZA:  No one reporting.
  3. Code Enforcement: No one reporting
  4. DRB: No one reporting
  5. WILPC: Henry Holst – No meeting

Old Business: 

Roads – Town is awaiting a new quote as the initial quote from Howell and Associates did not include dirt and called for 15 ft of asphalt to apron.  Possibly only 6-8 ft of asphalt is needed. 

After an additional site visit, it was determined that 2 quotes are needed:

  1. 6-8ft apron, cutting road to remove memory and adding macadam and compactable material then rolling and crowning.
  2. 6-8ft apron, cutting road to remove memory and adding macadam and dirt mixture then rolling and crowning, which may keep its integrity longer.

Once quote is received there will be one more site visit to confirm

Grace Chapel Rd. requires immediate repair – grading and road material is needed.  Charleston Green and CDH are putting a quote together (possibly working together – Charleston Green may supply dirt). 

CDH has placed dirt around the tree on Grace Chapel will be adding ROC to Harts Rd.

New Business:

Hazard Mitigation – County entity that determines the Town flood rating, which determines everyone’s insurance premiums, has sent a letter to make Council aware of the current Charleston Regional Mitigation Plan which is available on the Building Services Department Website. Mayor to forward a copy of Plan/link to council members.  The letter is basically just giving notice to changes in FEMA codes. Mayor will verify notice has been given by signing letter on behalf of the Town and then the CRS rating will be determined.

Mayor motioned to adjourn at 7:16. Seconded by Frank Thornhill.

Council Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM Copy

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Linda Folk and Libby Holst No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to...

February 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Linda Folk and Libby Holst No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to...

December 19, 2022 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: Frank Thornhill and Henry Holst Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting...

November 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Preston Wilson No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior...

October 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: Judy Suggs and Henry Holst Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior meeting...

Meeting Minutes September 19, 2022 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: Frank Thornhill  Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting...

Meeting Minutes August 15, 2022 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs, and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: Frank Thornhill and David Dunn Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting...

Meeting Minutes June 20, 2022 7:00PM

Rockville Town Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2022. 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: Henry Holst and Frank Thornhill Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda....

Executive Meeting Minutes May 31, 2022 6:00PM

Executive Meeting:PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill and David Dunn Meeting called to order at 6:10 at the Rockville Presbyterian Church Fellowship HallOthers Present: NoneExecutive Meeting held to discuss payment...

Town Meeting Minutes May 16, 2022 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: NONE Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Melanie Thornhill, Linda Folk, Preston Wilson and Joel Evans from Charleston County No...