PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Tammy Bazzle, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, Whit Smith and Town Clerk Colleen Key.
Meeting called to order at 7:00
Others Present: Chip Linton
No changes to the agenda. No time requested.
Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Whit Smith. Unanimously approved.
FINANCIAL REPORT as of 5/30/2024
PREVIOUS Ending $ CURRENT Ending $
Wells Fargo Checking $107,002.93 $108,071.63
S.C. Local Government Investment Pool $314,503.41 $315,979.25
NOTE: A virtual $10,000 is held aside for disaster clean up
Roads YTD $12,000
For the record, check 1376 was written to DRB Clerk Olivia Condon. Mayor motions to ratify. Seconded by Tammy Bazzle.
Semi Annual Insurance Premium is due to SCMIRF- $2250.00
- Planning: No one reporting.
- BZA: No one reporting.
- Code Enforcement: No one reporting
- DRB: Chip Linton – No report
- WILPC: Henry Holst – No report
Old Business:
Road Repairs – Shell sand to be staged by Charleston Green at the end of Grace Chapel Rd. for Grace Chapel Rd. Chip Linton comments that SIYC Rd easement needs attention. Needs to be elevated. Low in front of the Woodward’s and the Folk’s residences. Mayor notes that Charleston Green will grade Rockland. CDH to address SIYC Rd. issues. CDH also will repair Hart Road.
Whit Smith mentions/reminds of last meeting discussion of the Yacht Club’s possible financial contribution toward road maintenance, a “usage tax”? Council members to discuss with Yacht Club Board members.
Henry Holst has procured a work order to clear the edges of Maybank Highway. WO #328906. Mayor to find DOT liaison contact to ensure progress.
New Business:
Chip Linton comments on an issue that came up at recent BZA meeting regarding Rockland subdivision covenants, of which a particular applicant was not aware, asking if the Town has information that would inform people of restrictions/rules. Mayor comments that it is a private restrictive covenant which the Town does not get involved in and should have come up in a title search.
Whit Smith asks about the status of Deveaux Bank. Mayor notes that it is closed until October 15 as a measure to protect the bird population. It is currently managed by SC DNR. There is an explanatory video regarding this issue on YouTube for anyone interested in understanding the problems caused by overuse and human access. May revert to permitting scenario in the future. To report any violations, call DNR.
Mayor motioned to adjourn at 7:27. Seconded by Henry Holst.