Meeting  Minutes

January 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

March 18, 2024

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Tammy Bazzle, Whit Smith and Town Clerk Colleen Key.  

ABSENT: Henry Holst

Meeting called to order at 7:00

Others Present: Linda Folk  and Chip Linton

No changes to the agenda. No time requested. Note February meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th due to Presidents Day.

Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Whit Smith. Unanimously approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT as of 12/31/2023

                                                                             PREVIOUS Ending $                  CURRENT Ending $

Wells Fargo Checking                                            $114,044.18                   $116,749.75

S.C. Local Government Investment Pool              $307,291.41                    $308,772.63

NOTE: A virtual $10,000 is held aside for disaster clean up

Roads YTD- $13,500

Void Check #1350 for road repairs to Charleston Green, reissued check #1353

SCMIRF semiannual insurance due – $2350. Post courier for ordinance ad – $1105.50 due.



  1. Planning:  No one reporting.
  2. BZA:  No one reporting.
  3. Code Enforcement: No one reporting
  4. DRB: Linda Folk – Committee will be meeting Thursday January 25 to discuss UDO updates.
  5. WILPC: No one reporting

New Business: 

Linda Folk submitted committee member recertification for herself and Jimmy Folk.

Recent storm caused a downed power line on Grace Chapel. Mayor contacted Fire Department. Issue has been taken care of.

Debt report has been submitted as required. Town has ZERO debt.

In the past the town has often picked up tree debris when it is questionable as to who is responsible. Lately, some trash piles have been left at corner of SIYC and Maybank. Town is technically not in the business of collecting yard debris for the record.

Chip Linton has several trees that might be hazardous.  Mayor says Town will review.

Whit Smith asked for a status of Deveaux Bank. Mayor discussed Dana Beach’s proposal to dredge sand and placing it on the top of the island as a safe haven for the birds. DNR biologists do not agree with this plan of action and are of the opinion to let mother nature take its course. The birds will relocate, and funding will be allocated to protect those beaches where the birds end up. Army Corp to analyze but will be a long process. Human access will still be allowed for now, at the southwest corner. Boundary lines will be set. Coastal Conservation League advocates for shutting down all admission.

Old Business: 

Road repair has been on hold due to rain. Upcoming cold dry weather should allow for scraping and clean up. Regarding Rockland, Mayor has reached out to Buck Dukes from the County for input on maintenance going forward as the new upgrades include aggregate which may need a different course of action.

As mentioned in prior meetings, there is an issue regarding unapproved structures in people’s yards.  If a building permit is not required, DRB is not notified in advance. Mayor has consulted the County on this topic, and it was suggested that the Town create an ordinance which help defines what falls within DRB jurisdiction. Currently DRB has no authority over structures and changes that do not require a permit. County could provide a template. Linda Folk comments that DRB is looking into utilizing the City of Charleston’s regulations for historical preservation. Mayor notes that specific language is needed to update the UDO. Linda Folk explains that projects like septic tanks, hard scapes and solar panels will be addressed. DRB intends to have their recommendation for Council by February meeting. Town attorney may need to review to ensure that the Town is not potentially in a situation of a Taking, that devalues someone’s land. Chip Linton suggests coming up with an application, possibly similar to Charleston, that would provide clear explanation. Mayor questions what action would be taken if someone does do something without approval? Linda Folk indicates that Code enforcement would have to get involved. Frank Thornhill asks how people will know that DRB will have to approve of certain changes and worries that not everyone will be ok with this sort of oversight?  Tammy Bazzle notes that not everyone is in the historic district. Different parameters for different districts may be needed. Linda Folk mentions that the City of Charleston’s regulations are not as prohibitive as one would expect. Whit Smith adds that if allowing the DRB more input is done correctly it should preserve and help property values.

Chip Linton raises the issue of the persistent problem of landscape contractor noise. It is consistently very early. Town does not have a noise ordinance. Frank Thornhill recommends speaking to homeowner’s who are hiring these contractors as a first step. Mayor a suggests a 9- 5 commercial noise ordinance. 

Linda Folk asks how do we get landscapers to stop blowing the sand out of the road? She has asked landscapers directly to stop, but the problems persist.

Mayor motioned to adjourn at 7:47 Seconded by Frank Thornhill.

Council Meeting Minutes

October 16, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: none Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Linda Folk and Chip Linton No changes to the agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions...

September 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: Frank Thornhll Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Anthony Black and Chip Linton No changes to the agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior...

August 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present:No changes to the agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

July 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present:No changes to the agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

June 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen KeyABSENT: Judy Suggs and Frank ThornhillMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present: Whit Smith and The WoffordsNo changes to agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve...

May 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, David Dunn and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present: Melanie ThornhillNo changes to agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior...

April 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: David Dunn Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: none No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

March 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs,  David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior...

January 17 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT:  Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting...

February 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM Copy

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Linda Folk and Libby Holst No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to...