Meeting  Minutes

Town Meeting Minutes January 18, 2022 7:00PM

February 23, 2022

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs, 

David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key


Meeting called to order at 7:00

Other Present: Linda Folk and Chip Linton

No changes to agenda. No time requested.

Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Judy Suggs. Unanimously approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT as of 12/30/2021 

                                                                             PREVIOUS Ending $                  CURRENT Ending $

Wells Fargo Checking                                               $31,258.51                      $30,215.31

S.C. Local Government Investment Pool              $287,631.94                     $287,666.62

NOTE: A virtual $10,000 is held aside for disaster clean up

MAYOR / COUNCIL REPORTS: Mayor comments on the tragic passing of Logan Wood, mentioning that he was close to the families of many of Rockville residents who rallied immediately to join the search.  A candlelight vigil was held at the Ambrose’s.  Mayor motions to begin a 30 second moment of silence in honor of Logan Matthew Wood.  Council unanimously approved and observed the same.


  1. Planning:  No one reporting.
  2. BZA:  No one reporting.
  3. Code Enforcement: No one reporting
  4. DRB: Linda Folk – nothing to report
  5. WILPC: Henry Holst – Mr. Hay, Wadmalaw resident, has been requesting that the State trim the trees/hanging branches and is asking that other residents call as he has gotten no response.  Also, he has cut 25 tons of firewood. If anyone wants some, call in advance.  Spread the word.

Potential buyer for Bolt property. The land needs to be subdivided for each building that is on the property which will be very costly and may deter any buyers 

Mayor comments on possible Cherry Point development. No new information, and the land has still not been purchased by the prospective developer.

Old Business: 

Short Term Rentals- Joel Evans from the County was not able to attend Town Council meeting to advise on Rockville’s STR policy. Mayor motions to table issue until Mr. Evans can attend and offers the possiblityof a special meeting to discuss.

Road repair status update. County is working on procuring additional grant funds for Rockland(another $200,000). CDH Tree Service to come work on SIYC Rd in the week to come following the rain. Mayor indicated that the County is processing the Town’s request for improving/rebuilding of SIYC and that he would provide more details as they develop. Mayor suggests having Charleston Green provide a quote for a new apron.  Approximately $3000

Chip Linton questions if the apron will help and Henry Holst comments that the Town should procure several estimates. Additionally, Henry Holst suggest that the Town get estimates on paving the road, other then having the County do it. Possibly poll the residents on their opinion on having the roads paved. Mayor and other council members opposed the idea of paving but welcomed the idea of procuring an estimate.

Speed limit sign on Marina Rd. has been knocked over which is outside Town limit. Mayor has contacted the County to find who is responsible for repairs.  Meanwhile, the sign is propped up on a telephone post.

13 mph sign on Grace Chapel is missing. Mayor suggests replacing and will get a quote.

Town training event needs to be scheduled for committee and board members. Without this training the council and boards lack adjudication powers as any decision making would lack validity. 
Lind Folk questions having the Town reimburse those who wish to do the training online, indicating that the board members should not have to pay out of pocket.  The issue there is that the Town does not have a credit card therefore the Town will have to write a check to anyone who does the online training  and could do so by way of reimbursement.  Ideally a group session will be planned and representatives from the County can attend. New Council members Judy Suggs and David Dunn may require additional training.

Henry Holst has continued investigating how other municipalities have written their codes regarding animals that are allowed to be kept by town residents, reviewing the codes of Bamberg and Ridgeville. His findings suggest no large farm animals, no roosters, donkeys or swine. Chickens and goats are acceptable and horses on an at least an acre and a half of land. Council to create a list of permissible animals to amend the current code of The Town. Mayor noted that Town’s often allow for limited custody of “farm animals” as pets, i.e., miniture pigs and horses, etc.

New Business:

New cosigner is needed for Town checks.  Mayor suggests Henry Holst be added to the account.

End of Maybank Road is being undermined by Bohicket Creek. Old ROC is failing which is a DOT issue.  Mayor to create work order through DOT.

CDH Tree service $3300 invoice to be paid.

Public Comment:

Dr. Chip Linton addresses rumors of his mistreatment of fellow residents The Balls. Dr. Linton vehemently denies the doing so. He stressed the function of the DRB is to protect the older homes in the Town and notes that there were several heated conversations on the topic between Mayor Council, DRB and residents. Dr. Linton also comments on the status of the upcoming road repairs being made by the County and indicated that a Ray Beaudrot, operation manager with the County, has no knowledge of the future plans for Rockville road repairs. Dr. Linton stated that giving the County an easement and having the County maintain the roads, which will require a letter from the Town and some legal action might be a good idea.  Mayor points out that the Town adopted the roads, and the duty of maintenance, from the County lest the County take an increased 50 foot easement to maintain them which would adversely impact resident’s property, especially in the historic district. Frank Thornhill also follows up to remind all that The Town took over the roads for a reason. Mayor – several meetings have taken place with various representatives from the County, including Mr. Beaudrot in October of 2019,and with other council members present at which time the County has indicated that they will fix the roads via the County 1% road tax. Council agrees it is worth looking into any policy changes regarding the County maintaining the roads.  Dr. Linton to follow up.

Linda Folk mentions that the speed sign on SIYC Road needs repair.  Currently it is on the Smith’s fence. Secondly, Mrs. Folk inquires about the status of the Adams Residence. Mayor provides update that the house is in probate, and it will take quite some time to be fully resolved.

Scheduling Order:

Mayor to bring copy of current code regarding pets.

Mayor motioned to adjourn at 7:50. Seconded by Frank Thornhill.

Council Meeting Minutes

November 20, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, Tammy Bazzle and Town Clerk Colleen Key.  Whit Smith via Facetime ABSENT: none Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: none No changes to the agenda. No time requested. Mayor...

October 16, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: none Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Linda Folk and Chip Linton No changes to the agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions...

September 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: Frank Thornhll Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Anthony Black and Chip Linton No changes to the agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior...

August 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present:No changes to the agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

July 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present:No changes to the agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

June 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen KeyABSENT: Judy Suggs and Frank ThornhillMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present: Whit Smith and The WoffordsNo changes to agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve...

May 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, David Dunn and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present: Melanie ThornhillNo changes to agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior...

April 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: David Dunn Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: none No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

March 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs,  David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior...

January 17 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT:  Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting...