Meeting  Minutes

October 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

December 18, 2022

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key

ABSENT: Judy Suggs and Henry Holst

Meeting called to order at 7:00

Others Present: None

No changes to agenda. No time requested.

Mayor motions to approve prior meeting minutes. Not enough members present, as Frank Thornhill was not at the last meeting to verify if the minutes are accurate and Judy and Henry are not here therefore there is not a quorum. Motion tabled until November meeting. 


FINANCIAL REPORT as of 9/30/2022

                                                                             PREVIOUS Ending $                  CURRENT Ending $

Wells Fargo Checking                                               $61,151.82                 $63,619.36

S.C. Local Government Investment Pool              $289,447.82                $290,071.89

Road Repairs YTD – $14,384.40

Town audit is in progress. Clerk points out that Quickbooks may need to be upgraded as we are running 2016. Possibly utilize Quickbooks Online. Quickbooks Desktop may require a new laptop. The current laptop is also getting old and slow. Council to discuss further when all members are present.

NOTE: A virtual $10,000 is held aside for disaster clean up

Ordinance Second Readings:

Comprehensive Plan 08152022: As required by the County, the Town accepts the provided Comprehensive Plan, with previously mentioned and agreed upon revisions suggested by Planning (see August minutes).

Mayor motions to adopt. Seconded by Frank Thornhill.  Unanimously approved.

Chicken and Goat Ordinance 03212022: Ordinance amending Town Code Chapter 3 Animals and Fowl Article 1, 3.103 Animal Care

Mayor motions to adopt. Seconded by David Dunn.  Unanimously approved.

Mayor to email copies for Council Members to sign.



  1. Planning:  No one reporting.
  2. BZA:  No one reporting.
  3. Code Enforcement: No one reporting
  4. DRB: No one reporting
  5. WILPC: No one reporting

New Business: 

Rockland Road Improvement is currently out for bid by Charleston County.

CDH Tree Service Invoice – $2400

Old Business: 

Short Term Rental (STR) Ordinance – County currently has a law that places limits on how often a home can be rented and defines what a Short-Term Rental is (County defines STR as 29 days or less and limited to 75 nights). Rockville is sovereign so does not fall under County Ordinance. Town needs to design one to avoid development, however, does not wish to offend those who currently do rent their property.

Mayor proposes template which has 4 sections:

  1. Purpose and applicability.
  2. Limited rental for entire Town – all zoning districts.
  3. All STR must register in writing with the Town. Permitting would be the issue here.  The Town would have to have someone inspect and approve to see if the property conforms to mandated rules.
  4. Charleston County would handle permitting
  5. Registration could be a note from the Town to verify compliance.
  6. Enforcement and violations. Permit gets revoked for a TBD time/ Unable to register for determined time frame. Appeals process.
  7. Define STR – For example, 29 days or less with the option to rent out 100 nights. Homeowners can still rent their home for 30 days consecutively and not be considered STR.
  8. Amortization of Non-conforming Uses: Grandfathering in property owners who currently short term rent their homes. The concept indicates that if a dwelling was previously legally used as STR prior to adoption of new STR Ordinance, that dwelling may continue be used as such for a specified amount of time, for example 3 or 5 years, at which point they would register with the Town or renew by presenting to BZA. One would have had to be registered with the County in this instance.

Frank Thornhill points out that the original theory behind the amortization was for people to be able to recoup on their investment.  In Rockville that is not the case as most of the homes who utilize STR have been owned for many years.  Possibly no recoupment and just a grace period?

Mayor discusses the takings concept which indicates that a particular new law could somehow devalue someone’s land/property in that owner’s opinion.

A proposed STR Ordinance would follow the above outline potentially, drafted by the Mayor, and refined by Town Attorney.

David Dunn asks for clarification on what happens in 5 years to the property owners who are grandfathered in under this proposed rule.  Mayor responds that they would have to conform to new rules.  A new owner of the same property would not be allowed the same exception.

Frank Thornhill asks about guidelines for Amortization of Non-conforming Uses. To be determined by Council.

To be discussed further when the entire Council is present.

Scheduling Order: 

1. Approve September Minutes

Mayor motioned to adjourn at 7:40. Seconded by David Dunn.

Council Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: Frank Thornhll Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Anthony Black and Chip Linton No changes to the agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior...

August 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present:No changes to the agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

July 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present:No changes to the agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

June 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen KeyABSENT: Judy Suggs and Frank ThornhillMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present: Whit Smith and The WoffordsNo changes to agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve...

May 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, David Dunn and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present: Melanie ThornhillNo changes to agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior...

April 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: David Dunn Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: none No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

March 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs,  David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior...

January 17 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT:  Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting...

February 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM Copy

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Linda Folk and Libby Holst No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to...

February 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Linda Folk and Libby Holst No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to...