Meeting  Minutes

September 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

December 17, 2023

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, and Town Clerk Colleen Key

ABSENT: Frank Thornhll

Meeting called to order at 7:00

Others Present: Anthony Black and Chip Linton

No changes to the agenda. No time requested.

Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Judy Suggs. Unanimously approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT as of 8/30/2023

                                                                             PREVIOUS Ending $                  CURRENT Ending $

Wells Fargo Checking                                               $109,464.65                      $112,509.42

S.C. Local Government Investment Pool              $301,578.07                      $303,009.76

NOTE: A virtual $10,000 is held aside for disaster clean up

Roads YTD- $4750



  1. Planning:  No one reporting.
  2. BZA:  No one reporting.
  3. Code Enforcement: No one reporting
  4. DRB: No one reporting
  5. WILPC: No one report

New Business:

CDH Tree Service Invoice for road and tree work $1250. For the record, when there is a fallen or damaged tree that is questionable as to who is responsible for clean-up due to property lines, the Town will follow up. Tree regulations can be found on page 32 of the UDO.  Questions regarding trees may also be directed to the county.

Old Business: 

Candidate Forms are completed for November election. Notices and the election itself will be handled by Charleston County.

Ordinances will be read at October Meeting.

COVID funds must be spent by 2024.  Potentially will be used for continued road repair and maintenance. County engineer, Buck Dukes, to advise on maintenance plan. Estimate for Road aprons from Charleston Green came in at $2500 per apron.  The Grace Chapel, SIYC and South Rockland Roads aprons will be elongated by 8ft and raised 8 inches to improve turn radius. Charleston Green should begin the project within the next 60 days.

Vessel in disrepair on Bohicket Creek – Officially Town of Rockville has no jurisdiction but has assisted DNR and Coast Guard in a plan of action. As of 9/18 the boat was taking on water and the owner was advised.

To Note regarding the vessel:

Boat is not documented therefore cannot leave the U.S. coast.

Dead Ship Move Order would allow for its removal. Currently the boat’s renderings are not available to have the vessel documented and to verify if the boat meets the criteria to have it moved. The rules pertaining to a Dead Ship Move Orderoption might be able to be clarified by a recent Folly Beach effort made by a local attorney who drafted a law prohibiting moorage of dead ship vessels.  Mayor to follow up to obtain a copy of the law. South Carolina currently does not have effective laws pertaining to this issue therefore the problem may persist as more boats seeking moorage come to S.C. when other states’ regulations prohibit such activity.

In this case, the owner may need financing to obtain proper documentation/survey. Once documented, the owner would be interested in moving. 

Anthony Black suggests Coastal Conservation could assist in creating the sense of urgency regarding the issue. Mayor notes that the including of local environmental agencies’ effort is already in motion, however timing is a huge factor. Most environmental entities are hesitant to “attack” the US Coast Guard. The goal would be to encourage local politicians to liaison with the Coast Guard to prevent an ecological disaster.

DNR is trying to help procure the one remaining set of drawings for the vessel to determine its tonnage.

There is a local effort to contribute funds to help rectify the problem.

Anthony Black Questions – why tow if it runs? Mayor comments that we are uncertain if it actually runs. Owner does not want to pay the large fee it would cost to have it towed. Coast Guard will not allow it run under its own power either until it is properly documented.

Chip Linton asks if the owner has liability? Mayor comments only civil – he could be sued, but no criminal liability. The fact that the owner does try to keep the vessel afloat is ironically a good thing.  He could walk away at any time.

Boat was purchased at a GSA Auction.

Bottom line is that the best avenue to rectify the problem is to satisfy the Coast Guard which means have the vessel documented properly. There is currently a stop order on the vessel so even a 500 Ton licensed captain cannot move it.

Public Comments:

Chip Linton inquired about construction compliance issues with the property at 2456 Sea Island Yacht Club Road. Code enforcement officer has been contacted to find and follow up on any discrepancies from original approved plans for the renovations/additions. Mayor comments that we await the findings of code enforcements investigation. 

Mayor motioned to adjourn at 7:36. Seconded by David Dunn.


Council Meeting Minutes

November 20, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, Tammy Bazzle and Town Clerk Colleen Key.  Whit Smith via Facetime ABSENT: none Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: none No changes to the agenda. No time requested. Mayor...

October 16, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: none Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Linda Folk and Chip Linton No changes to the agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions...

August 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present:No changes to the agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

July 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present:No changes to the agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

June 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen KeyABSENT: Judy Suggs and Frank ThornhillMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present: Whit Smith and The WoffordsNo changes to agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve...

May 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, David Dunn and TownClerk Colleen KeyABSENT: noneMeeting called to order at 7:00Others Present: Melanie ThornhillNo changes to agenda. No time requested.Mayor motions to approve prior...

April 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: David Dunn Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: none No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes....

March 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst, Judy Suggs,  David Dunn and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior...

January 17 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT:  Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: None No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting...

February 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes 7:00PM Copy

PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Judy Suggs, David Dunn, Frank Thornhill, Henry Holst and Town Clerk Colleen Key ABSENT: None Meeting called to order at 7:00 Others Present: Linda Folk and Libby Holst No changes to agenda. No time requested. Mayor motions to...